4648 Hamburg Avenue
St Louis, MO 63123
A total of 7 parcels being sold together! Six of the parcels are located in the City and one is located in the County. The addresses and tax ID #'s are as follows: 4650 Hamburg Ave (5454-00-0040-0), 4652 Hamburg Ave (5454-00-0030-0), 4656 Hamburg Ave (5454-00-0020-0), 4657 Hamburg Ave (5454-00-0050-0), 4660 Hamburg Ave (5454-00-0010-0) and 4651 Hannover Ave (25H-24-1372).
Type Lot/Land
Lot Size 0.04 acres
Assoc Fee Paid None
Taxes Paid $8
Lots & Building Features
Assoc Fee Paid None
Sewer None
Tax Year 2023
Water None
Lot Dimensions irr
Get Directions
City St Louis
County St Louis City
School District St. Louis City
Subdivision Mc Dermott Hanover Heights Add 02
Elementary School Woerner Elem.
Junior High School Long Middle Community Ed. Center
Senior High School Roosevelt High